Demand planning

Planeación de la Demanda

How to adapt to change?

With market dynamics and customer service expectations on the rise, forecasting is the key to improving profitability and meeting customer demands. Today there are tools that allow taking variables from the internal and external environment of the company that help in demand planning. Using machine learning, and artificial intelligence to provide a unique demand projection with calculated business impact and risk, allowing a better understanding of your drivers and customer behavior.

Demand planning and forecasting methods are only part of the process that leads to better decisions. Not having the right tools and the right strategic technology partners has negative effects on the supply chain infrastructure.

Problems such as: out-of-stock, low inventory turnover, opportunity costs, and uncertainty in strategic decisions are the most common problems faced by companies that do their demand planning manually.

That said, it is important as a first step to drive the culture of change and the use of technology within the company. It is important to show supply teams the potential of some tools in the market that will make their work more efficient. Helping them to perform less and less operational tasks, and focusing them on being part of the planning and strategy.

GOLDCO, as a strategic partner, diagnoses and proposes assertive solutions that help to achieve better predictions. Our collaboration model is based on an end-to-end implementation, where we accompany the client from the solution proposal and decision making to the implementation, adaptation and evaluation of results.

Our technology partner Blue Yonder has a suite of state-of-the-art tools that can be adapted to all types of operations. Their systems are constantly updated, always adapting to new industry needs. Blue Yonder is a globally recognized leader in Gartner’s 4 quadrants of supply chain software.

For demand planning, tools such as Advanced Store Replenishment (ASR), which provides rapid implementation, projects sales and bases automatic store replenishment orders based on item sales history, are offered. ASR adapts to the organizational structure to provide better forecasting assertiveness, as well as purchase order optimization; Advanced Warehouse Replenishment (AWR) is the tool to optimize sales forecasting, improve replenishment performance and improve service levels in distribution centers.

Demand and Fulfillment, which adds significant statistical intelligence to the forecasting process, while reducing process time and database management through an in-memory engine, optimal parameter settings and by using the best algorithm for a given situation and Luminate Demand Edge which uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, robust algorithms and predictive analytics to detect disruptions such as material shortages and weather events days or even months in advance.

Our technology partner Blue Yonder has a suite of state-of-the-art tools that can be adapted to all types of operations.

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